Aerotech ESOP
We are representing participants in a putative class action in Schultz, et al. v. Aerotech, Inc., et al., Case No. 2:24-cv-00618 (W.D. Pa. Apr. 24, 2024). Our clients are former participants in the Aerotech ESOP. More than $10 million of the assets in the Aerotech ESOP have been held in cash equivalents for the last several years. Because these cash holdings provide very low investment returns, participants’ retirement savings have been suffering. Our lawsuit alleges that this practice is imprudent, disloyal and unlawful.
Learn More
If you were a participant in this ESOP and wish to learn more about this case, please email one of the lead attorneys on this case, Jennifer Lee or Carl Engstrom. You can also learn more about our ESOP practice.